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Highland Geological Society

Torvean, Inverness - Photo by Andy Leggatt
Ob Lusa to Ardnish Coast, Isle of Skye - Photo by Andy Leggatt
Elgol, Glen Scaladal - Photo by Andy Leggatt
Tarbat Ness - Photo by Andy Leggatt


Membership Application Form
  1. Membership rates    
    Ordinary Membership (£15.00)
    Family Membership (£22.50) 
    Student Membership (£7.50)

  2. Cheques payable to Highland Geological Society (Please use the Treasurer contact form on the main page for a postal address)

    Bank Transfers with reference ‘YOUR NAME’ Payable to:  Highland Geological Society  Sort Code: 80-06-35  Account Number :  00390180

    Membership is for the calendar year. Applications received October to December also cover the following year.


  4. If you are a UK taxpayer you can boost your donation at no extra cost to yourself by gift aiding your subscription. The Society can claim Gift Aid from HMRC from the tax you pay for the current tax year (currently 25 pence for each £1 donated).  This is entirely optional.  If you wish to do so, please read carefully the statement below and select from the dropdown list.

    I would like to Gift Aid my subscription and any future donations. I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax in the current tax year than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations it is my responsibility to pay any difference if requested by HMRC. 

    I will notify Highland Geological Society if I want to cancel this declaration, or I change my name or home address or I no longer pay sufficient tax on my income and/or capital gains tax.     

  5. Library access

  6. The HGS collection is managed by Inverness Library. Anyone may refer to books but only library members who have an HGS library card can borrow them.  To obtain an HGS library card, please tick here.    

  7. Membership will be confirmed after payment has been received.    

    Anyone requesting a library card will be sent a further declaration for completion.


  8. Application copy

    Tick here if you wish a copy of this form after your application has been processed.


  10. Application Date
